Release Log =========== * 1.1.3 - September 20, 2023 - Fix case when we have two same prefixes in the name ()#147) * 1.1.2 - November 13, 2022 - Add support for attributes in constructor (#140) - Make HumanName instances hashable (#138) - Update repr for names with single quotes (#137) * 1.1.1 - January 28, 2022 - Fix bug in is_suffix handling of lists (#129) * 1.1.0 - January 3, 2022 - Add initials support (#128) - Add more titles and prefixes (#120, #127, #128, #119) * 1.0.6 - February 8, 2020 - Fix Python 3.8 syntax error (#104) * 1.0.5 - Dec 12, 2019 - Fix suffix parsing bug in comma parts (#98) - Fix deprecation warning on Python 3.7 (#94) - Improved capitalization support of mixed case names (#90) - Remove "elder" from titles (#96) - Add post-nominal list from Wikipedia to suffixes (#93) * 1.0.4 - June 26, 2019 - Better nickname handling of multiple single quotes (#86) - full_name attribute now returns formatted string output instead of original string (#87) * 1.0.3 - April 18, 2019 - fix sys.stdin usage when stdin doesn't exist (#82) - support for escaping log entry arguments (#84) * 1.0.2 - Oct 26, 2018 - Fix handling of only nickname and last name (#78) * 1.0.1 - August 30, 2018 - Fix overzealous regex for "Ph. D." (#43) - Add `surnames` attribute as aggregate of middle and last names * 1.0.0 - August 30, 2018 - Fix support for nicknames in single quotes (#74) - Change prefix handling to support prefixes on first names (#60) - Fix prefix capitalization when not part of lastname (#70) - Handle erroneous space in "Ph. D." (#43) * 0.5.8 - August 19, 2018 - Add "Junior" to suffixes (#76) - Add "dra" and "srta" to titles (#77) * 0.5.7 - June 16, 2018 - Fix doc link (#73) - Fix handling of "do" and "dos" Portuguese prefixes (#71, #72) * 0.5.6 - January 15, 2018 - Fix python version check (#64) * 0.5.5 - January 10, 2018 - Support J.D. as suffix and Wm. as title * 0.5.4 - December 10, 2017 - Add Dr to suffixes (#62) - Add the full set of Italian derivatives from "di" (#59) - Add parameter to specify the encoding of strings added to constants, use 'UTF-8' as fallback (#67) - Fix handling of names composed entirely of conjunctions (#66) * 0.5.3 - June 27, 2017 - Remove emojis from initial string by default with option to include emojis (#58) * 0.5.2 - March 19, 2017 - Added names scrapped from VIAF data, thanks daryanypl (#57) * 0.5.1 - August 12, 2016 - Fix error for names that end with conjunction (#54) * 0.5.0 - August 4, 2016 - Refactor join_on_conjunctions(), fix #53 * 0.4.1 - July 25, 2016 - Remove "bishop" from titles because it also could be a first name - Fix handling of lastname prefixes with periods, e.g. "Jane St. John" (#50) * 0.4.0 - June 2, 2016 - Remove "CONSTANTS.suffixes", replaced by "suffix_acronyms" and "suffix_not_acronyms" (#49) - Add "du" to prefixes - Add "sheikh" variations to titles - Add parameter to force capitalization of mixed case strings * 0.3.16 - March 24, 2016 - Clarify LGPL licence version (#47) - Skip pickle tests if pickle not installed (#48) * 0.3.15 - March 21, 2016 - Fix string format when `empty_attribute_default = None` (#45) - Include tests in release source tarball (#46) * 0.3.14 - March 18, 2016 - Add `CONSTANTS.empty_attribute_default` to customize value returned for empty attributes (#44) * 0.3.13 - March 14, 2016 - Improve string format handling (#41) * 0.3.12 - March 13, 2016 - Fix first name clash with suffixes (#42) - Fix encoding of constants added via the python shell - Add "MSC" to suffixes, fix #41 * 0.3.11 - October 17, 2015 - Fix bug capitalization exceptions (#39) * 0.3.10 - September 19, 2015 - Fix encoding of byte strings on python 2.x (#37) * 0.3.9 - September 5, 2015 - Separate suffixes that are acronyms to handle periods differently, fixes #29, #21 - Don't find titles after first name is filled, fixes (#27) - Add "chair" titles (#37) * 0.3.8 - September 2, 2015 - Use regex to check for roman numerals at end of name (#36) - Add DVM to suffixes * 0.3.7 - August 30, 2015 - Speed improvement, 3x faster - Make HumanName instances pickleable * 0.3.6 - August 6, 2015 - Fix strings that start with conjunctions (#20) - handle assigning lists of names to a name attribute - support dictionary-like assignment of name attributes * 0.3.5 - August 4, 2015 - Fix handling of string encoding in python 2.x (#34) - Add support for dictionary key access, e.g. name['first'] - add 'santa' to prefixes, add 'cpa', 'csm', 'phr', 'pmp' to suffixes (#35) - Fix prefixes before multi-part last names (#23) - Fix capitalization bug (#30) * 0.3.4 - March 1, 2015 - Fix #24, handle first name also a prefix - Fix #26, last name comma format when lastname is also a title * 0.3.3 - Aug 4, 2014 - Allow suffixes to be chained (#8) - Handle trailing suffix in last name comma format (#3). Removes support for titles with periods but no spaces in them, e.g. "Lt.Gen.". (#21) * 0.3.2 - July 16, 2014 - Retain original string in "original" attribute. - Collapse white space when using custom string format. - Fix #19, single comma name format may have trailing suffix * 0.3.1 - July 5, 2014 - Fix Pypi package, include new config module. * 0.3.0 - July 4, 2014 - Refactor configuration to simplify modifications to constants (backwards incompatible) - use unicode_literals to simplify Python 2 & 3 support. - Generate documentation using sphinx and host on readthedocs. * 0.2.10 - May 6, 2014 - If name is only a title and one part, assume it's a last name instead of a first name, with exceptions for some titles like 'Sir'. (`#7 `_). - Add some judicial and other common titles. (#9) * 0.2.9 - Apr 1, 2014 - Add a new nickname attribute containing anything in parenthesis or double quotes (`Issue 33 `_). * 0.2.8 - Oct 25, 2013 - Add support for Python 3.3+. Thanks to @corbinbs. * 0.2.7 - Feb 13, 2013 - Fix bug with multiple conjunctions in title - add legal and crown titles * 0.2.6 - Feb 12, 2013 - Fix python 2.6 import error on logging.NullHandler * 0.2.5 - Feb 11, 2013 - Set logging handler to NullHandler - Remove 'ben' from PREFIXES because it's more common as a name than a prefix. - Deprecate BlankHumanNameError. Do not raise exceptions if full_name is empty string. * 0.2.4 - Feb 10, 2013 - Adjust logging, don't set basicConfig. Fix `Issue 10 `_ and `Issue 26 `_. - Fix handling of single lower case initials that are also conjunctions, e.g. "john e smith". Re `Issue 11 `_. - Fix handling of initials with no space separation, e.g. "E.T. Jones". Fix #11. - Do not remove period from first name, when present. - Remove 'e' from PREFIXES because it is handled as a conjunction. - Python 2.7+ required to run the tests. Mark known failures. - tests/ can now take an optional name argument that will return repr() for that name. * 0.2.3 - Fix overzealous "Mac" regex * 0.2.2 - Fix parsing error * 0.2.0 - Significant refactor of parsing logic. Handle conjunctions and prefixes before parsing into attribute buckets. - Support attribute overriding by assignment. - Support multiple titles. - Lowercase titles constants to fix bug with comparison. - Move documentation to README.rst, add release log. * 0.1.4 - Use set() in constants for improved speed. setuptools compatibility - sketerpot * 0.1.3 - Add capitalization feature - twotwo * 0.1.2 - Add slice support